
Rabu, 24 November 2010

Closed Session Begins Ariel Porn Videos

BANDUNG - Nazriel Irham aka Ariel eventually undergo initial hearing on the case of porn videos. By wearing special clothes defendant red complete with cap, Ariel sat in the dock.
The trial was held at Krishna space located on the 2nd floor Court Bandung, Jalan RE Martadinata, Bandung, West Java, on Monday (11/22/2010), at 9:10 pm. Hundreds of police looked on guard inside and outside the courtroom.
As expected, the trial lasted lover Luna closed. Singgih Budi Prakoso who is also vice chairman of the Bandung District Court as the presiding judge, ordered the courtroom cleared.
"Because the substance of his case is obscenity, then refers to Article 153 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code which states that the moral case declared closed to the public. Thus the hearing was declared closed to the public," said Singgih.
Singgih reasoned, cases concerning sexuality is a matter that should not be played in front of the public. Therefore, he asked the security officer issued a party unrelated to the trial.
"Consideration is the thing that smells persenggamaan, sexuality, does not deserve the public hearing. So I ask the room emptied," he said.
At that, a journalist who was covering the left left the courtroom. Meanwhile, Ariel in the courtroom accompanied by his lawyers as the Aga Khan, Afrian Bondjol and OC Kaligis.

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